
Forgotten city skyrim quest walkthrough
Forgotten city skyrim quest walkthrough

forgotten city skyrim quest walkthrough

Morag Tong -> Morrowind assassins, hate you for being part of the Dark Brotherhood. Summerset Shadows -> Some joke wannabe thieves, a minor threat in the Thieves Guild quest. Forsworn -> They won't accept you into their ranks and will try to kill you even if you are a Breton. Greybeards -> They are your friends, but you aren't exactly a Greybeard yourself. Penitus Oculatus -> When you play the Dark Brotherhood questline they are your main enemy. Silver Hand -> When you play the Companions questline they are your main enemy. Thalmor -> The real evil of this game after the dragons, the mission "missing in action" is so satisfying regardless of where you stand in the civil war because you get to kill Thalmor agents.

forgotten city skyrim quest walkthrough

Psijic Order -> Some mysterious super-advanced mages that help you on Winterhold College quests. After some more playing I realised they were rather weak, after the Dawnguard DLC the lore of the game confirmed they are rather weak, but they still look cool, "may Stendar have mercy on you for the Vigil has none to spare". The Vigil of Stendarr -> These guys were cool and I wanted to join them, I went to their base and realised there are no quests there or ways to join the faction. Other factions in Skyrim that you can't join: Now that we are done with the major factions let's get to the Daedric Artifacts:

Forgotten city skyrim quest walkthrough