Get ready for Sonic action across more than 150 missions spread over 30-plus frenetic, action-packed stages. Jump into the action and check out Sonic's new moves as he grinds rails, swings from poles, and somersaults past the bad guys.

Mistaken for a villain and kidnapped by a military squad, Sonic must escape his captors and discover who is responsible for all his trouble. Robotnik, or Rouge and triumph over all who stand in your way. Sonic Adventure 2 features the world-famous blue hedgehog in a hyper-fast adventure where players can either save the world or conquer it in an action-packed showdown between Hero and Dark characters! You play as Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles and attempt to save the world - or play as Shadow, Dr. Hailed as one of the last great Dreamcast releases, this Sonic story features a full cast of playable heroes and villains, exciting two-player competitive modes, Chao Gardens, and more than 30 action-packed stages, all remastered in HD! Sonic Adventure 2 is an enhanced digital port of the original game that was released on Xbox 360s Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation 3s PlayStation Network and on the PC via Steam on October 2012.

They enjoyed San Francisco's location and feel, that this inspired them alot to place some of the city features and landmarks from San Francisco into some of the levels of Sonic Adventure 2. This downloadable game brings the classic Dreamcast game. Experience two unique adventures featuring both long-time heroes and new and returning villains as they battle for the fate of the world Save the. The development team Sonic Team USA who made Sonic Adventure 2 resided in San Francisco, California.